Date of employment: Aug. 1, 2001
Specialty: Analytical Chemistry
TEL (O): (886-5) 272-0411 ext.66410
Lab Webpage
聯絡電話:(05) 272-0411 ext. 66410
研究室:Rm 118
B.S. in Chemistry, National Taiwan University, 1991
M.S. in Chemistry, National Taiwan University, 1993
Ph.D. in University of Michigan, 1999
Postdoc Research Fellow, Pfizer Global Research and Development, 2000-2001
Summer Visiting Scholar, IAMS, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 2001
Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng University, 2001- 2006
Summer Visiting Scholar, Center for Micro-Fluidics, University of Notre Dame, 2002-04)
學士 國立臺灣大學化學系學士 (1991)
碩士 國立臺灣大學化學系碩士 (1993)
博士 美國密西根大學分析化學博士 (1999)
美國輝瑞(Pfizer)大藥廠博士後研究 (2000-2001)
中研院原分所暑期訪問學者 (2001)
國立中正大學化學系助理教授 (2001-2002)
國立中正大學化生系助理教授 (2002-2006)
美國聖母大學微流體中心暑期訪問學者 (2002-2004 )
國立中正大學化生系副教授 (2006-2010)
國立中正大學化生系教授 (2010-)
Research Interests
Microchip electrophoresis (lab-on-a-chip/bio-chip devices) technology development.
Chemometrics applications for LC-MS bioanalytical assay improvement.
Electrokinetics theories.
Selected Publications 代表著作 [SCOPUS論文統計]
- Hsiao-Ping Chen, Chun-Yi Yeh, Pei-Chin Hung, Shau-Chun Wang* (2014, Feb). Using induced electroosmotic micromixer to enhance the reproducibility of chemiluminescence intensity. Electrophoresis, 35, 258–262.
- Hsiao-Ping Chen, Chia-Chun Tsai, Hung-Meng Lee, Shau-Chun Wang*, Hsueh-Chia Chang* (2013, Jul). Selective dynamic concentration of peptides at poles of cation-selective nanoporous granules. Biomicrofluidics, 7, 044110.
- Chang, T.-C; Wu, C.-C.; Wang, S.-C.*; Chau, L.-K.*; Hsieh, W.-H. (2013, Jan). Using A Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance Biosensor To Determine Kinetic Constants of Antigen–Antibody Binding Reaction. Analytical Chemistry, 85, 245–250.
- Lee, C.-Y.; Chang, T.-C.; Wang, S.-C.*; Chien, C.-W; Cheng, C.-W.* (2010, Dec). Using femtosecond laser to fabricate highly precise interior hree-dimensional microstructures in polymeric flow chip. Biomicrofluidics, Vol 4, 046502.
- Chen, H.-P.; Liao, H.-J; Huang, C.-M.; Wang, S.-C.*; Yu, S.-N. (2010, Apr). Improving liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry determinations by modifying noise frequency spectrum between two consecutive wavelet-based low-pass filtering procedures. Journal of Chromatography A, 1217, 2804-2811.
- Chuang, Y. ; Lee, C.-Y. ; Lu, S.-H. ; Wang, S.-C.* ; Chau, L.-K.* ; Hsieh, W.-H. (2010, Jan). Using ac Field Induced Electro-osmosis to Accelerate Biomolecular Binding in Fiber Optic Sensing Chips with Micro-Structures. Analytical Chemistry, 83, 1123 - 1127.
- Wang, S.-C.* ; Lin, C.-J. ; Chiang, S.-M. ; Yu, S.-N. Tailoring Noise Frequency Spectrum between Two Consecutive Second Derivative Filtering Procedures to Improve Liquid Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry Determinations Analytical Chemistry, 2008, 80, 2097-2104 (SCI)
- Wang, S.-C.*; Wei, H.-H.; Chen, H.-P.; Tsai, M.-H; Yu, C.-C.; Chang, H.-C.* Dynamic Super-Concentration at Critical-Point Double-Layer Gates of Nanoporous Conducting Granules Biomicrofluidics 2008, 2, 014102 (SCI); this work was selected by the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research April (2008)