Cherng Jong-Yuh Associate Professor


Date of employment: Aug. 1, 1998

Drug delivery
Bioactivity evaluation

TEL (O): (886-5) 2720411 ext. 66416


Lab Webpage


B.S. in Pharmacy, National Defense Medical Center., 1992

Ph.D. in Pharmacy, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 1999

Postdoctoral Fellow, VGH-Taipei, 1999-2000

Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science, 2000-2005

Assistant Professor, National Chung Cheng Univ., 2005-


Research Interests

Transfectin expression of polycations/DNA complexes in eukaryotes

Evaluation of pharmacological activities of potential drugs

Development of novel drug delivery systems




Selected Publications 代表著作  [SCOPUS論文統計]
  • Chien C-S, Chien Y, Lin Y-Y, Tsai P-H, Chou S-J, Yarmishyn A. A, Rastegari E, Wang T-X, Leu H-B, Yang Y-P, Wang M-L, Jheng Y-C, Lai H. I. A. M., Ching L-J, Huo T-I, Cherng J-Y*, Wang C-Y*. Dual DNA transfection using 1,6-hexanedithiol-conjugated maleimide-functionalized PU-PEI 600 for gene correction in a patient iPSC-derived Fabry cardiomyopathy model. Front Cell Dev Biol
  • . 2021 Aug 4;9:634190. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.634190. 2020-IF= 6.684; JCR ranking = 6/41, (14%) 2021
  • Lin, Y. S.; Peng, W. H.; Shih, M. F.*; Cherng, J. Y. * Anxiolytic effect of an extract of Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (Danshen) in mice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 264 113285. 5-yr IF=3.908; 2019-IF= 3.690; JCR ranking = 3/28, (10%) 2020
  • Shih, M. F.; Pan, K. H.; Liu, C. C.; Shen, C. R.; Cherng, J. Y.* Treatment of beta-thujaplicin counteracts di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)-exposed vascular smooth muscle activation, inflammation and atherosclerosis progression. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology 92, 333-337. 5-yr IF=2.813; 2019-IF= 2.652; JCR ranking = 1/16, (6%) 2018
  • Chien, C. S.; Chien, Y.; Lin, Y. Y.; Chou, S. J.; Yarmishyn, A. A.; Wang, T. X.; Leu, H. B.; Yang, Y. P.; Wang, M. L.; Tsai, P. H.; Jheng, Y. C.; Lai, H. I. A. M.; Huo, T. I.; Cherng, J. Y.*, Wang C. Y.* Dual DNA transfection using 1,6-hexanedithiol -conjugated maleimide functionalized PU-PEI600 for gene correction in a patient iPSC-derived Fabry cardiomyopathy model. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology. (under revision) 2019-IF= 5.186; JCR ranking = 6/41, (14%)
  • Wu, C. Y.; Cherng, J. Y.; Yang, Y. H.; Lin, C. L.; Kuan, F. C.; Lin, Y. Y.; Lin, Y. S.; Shu, L. H.; Cheng, Y. C.; Liu, H. T.; Lu, M.C.; Lung, J.; Chen, P. C.; Lin, H. K.; Lee, K. D.; Tsai, Y. H. Danshen improves survival of patients with advanced lung cancer and targeting the relationship between macrophages and lung cancer cells. Oncotarget 8, 90925-90947. 5-yr IF=5.312; 2016-IF= 5.168; JCR ranking = 44/217, (20%) 2017
  • Cherng, J. Y.*; Lin, C. H. Covalent attachment of an influenza hemagglutinin-derived peptide to urethane-based cationic polymers affects their transfection efficiency in DNA delivery and their course in cell entry. Reactive & functional polymers 98, 9-16. 5-yr IF=3.290; 2019-IF= 3.333; JCR ranking = 18/89, (20%) 2016
  • Vaidyanathan S.; Cherng, J. Y.*; Sun A.C.; Chen C.Y.* Bacteria-templated NiO nanoparticles/microstructure for an enzymeless glucose sensor. International journal of molecular sciences 17, 1104. 5-yr IF=4.653; 2019-IF= 4.556; JCR ranking = 74/297, (24%) 2016
  • Wei-Chih Hung, Guo-Hua Feng, Jong-Yuh Cherng*, Fabrication of piezoelectric components for a tunable and efficient device for DNA delivery into mammalian cells. Ultrason. Sonochem. 2014, 21, 819-825. doi: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2013.08.019.
  • Mei Fen Shih  and Jong Yuh Cherng*, Reduction of Adhesion Molecule Production and Alteration of eNOS and Endothelin-1 mRNA Expression in Endothelium byEuphorbia hirta L. through Its Beneficial β-Amyrin Molecule.  Molecules . 2014, 19, 10534-10545.
  • Mei Fen Shih, Lih Chi Chen  and Jong Yuh Cherng*, Chlorella 11-peptide inhibits the   production of macrophage-induced adhesion molecules and reduces the endothelin-1 expression and the endothelial permeability. Mar. Drugs . 2013, 11, 3861-3874.
  • Jong Yuh Chernga*, Ting Yi Houa, Mei Fen Shihb, Herre Talsmac, Wim E. Henninkc, Polyurethane-based drug delivery systems. 」  Review. Int. J. Pham. 2013, 450, 145-162 (IF= 3.785; 5-yr IF=4.090; JCR ranking=45/256; SCI (SJR) ranking=17/211)
  • Min Da Shau, Mei Fen Shih, Chi Cheng  Lin, I Chuan Chuang,Wei Chih Hung, Wim E. Hennink, Jong Yuh Cherng*, 「 A one-step  process in preparation of cationic nanoparticles with poly(lactide-co-glycolide)-containing polyethylenimine gives efficient gene delivery. 」  Eur. J. Pharm. Sci.  2012 , 46, 522-529
  • Mei Fen Shih and Jong Yuh Cherng*, 「 Protective Effects of Chlorella-Derived Peptide Against UVC-Induced Cytotoxicity through Inhibiting of Caspase-3 Activity and Reduction of the Expression of Phosphorylated FADD and Cleaved PARP-1 in Skin Fibroblasts. 」 Molecules , 2012, 17, 9116-9128;doi:10.3390/molecules 17089116
  • Pin-I Huang, Wen-Liang Lo, Jong-Yuh Cherng, Yueh Chien, Guang-Yuh Chiou,and Shih-Hwa Chiou, 「 Non-Viral Delivery of RNA Interference Targeting Cancer Cells in Cancer Gene Therapy. 」 Current  Gene Therapy, 2012 12, 275-284.
  • Guang-Yuh Chiou, Jong-Yuh Cherng, Han-Shui Hsu, Mong-Lien Wang, Chun-Ming Tsai, Kai-His Lu, Yuen Chien,Shih-Chieh Hung, Yi-Wei Chen, Chiang-Ing Wong, Ling-Ming Tseng, Pin-I Huang,Cheng-Chia Yu, Wen-Huh Hsu, Shih-Hwa Chiou, 「 Cationic polyurethanes-short branch PEI-mediated delivery of Mir145 inhibited epithelial-mesenchymal transdifferentiation and cancer stem-like properties and in lung adenocarcinoma 」 J. Controlled  Release , 2012, 159, ,240-250.
  • Jong Yuh Cherng, Li Yin Chen, Mei Fen Shin*, 「 Preventive Effects of β-Thujaplicin Against UVB-Induced MMP-1 and MMP-3 mRNA Expressions in Skin Fibroblasts.」  Am. J. Chin.  Med., 2012,Vol. 40, No. 2, 387-398.
  • Yi-Ping Yang, Yuen Chien, Guang-Yuh Chiou, Jong-Yuh Cherng,§§:co-second, Ming-Lien Wang,Wen-Liang Lo, Yuh-Lih Chang, Pin-I Huang, Yi-Wei Chen, Yang-Hsin Shih, Ming-Teh Chen, Shih-Hwa Chiou*, 「 Inhibition of cancer stem cell-like properties and reduced chemoradioresistance of glioblastoma using microRNA145 with cationic polyurethane-short  branch  PEI. 」 Biomaterials , 2012, 33, 1462-1476.
  • Mei Fen Shin and Jong Yuh Cherng*, 「 Pharmacological Application of Euphorbia Hirta 」 (Chapter 8) in DRUG DISCOVERY RESEARCH IN PHARMACOGNOSY (Edited by Omcoon Vallisuta  and Suleiman M. Olimat ) ISBN  976-953-51-0233-7 (專章), 2012
  • Peng C. H., Cherng J. Y., Chiou G. Y., Chen, Y. C., Chien, C. H., Kao, C. L., Chang, Y. L., Chien Y., Chen L. K., Liu, J. h., Chen, S. J., Chiou, S. H., "Delivery of Oct4 and SirT1 with cationic polyurethanes-short branch PEI to aged retinal pigment epithelium. " Biomaterials 2011, 32, 9077-9088.
  • Cherng J. Y., Hung, W. C., Kao, H. C., "Blending of polyethylenimine with a cationic polyurethane greatly enhances both DNA delivery efficacy and reduces the overall cytotoxicity. " Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology 2011, 12, 839-846.
  • Shih M-F., Shau M-D., Cheng C-H., and Cherng J. Y.. " Synthesis and Evaluation of Poly(hexamethylene-urethane) and PEG-Poly(hexamethylene-urethane) and Their Cholesteryl Oleyl Carbonate Composites for Human Blood Biocompatibility. " Molecules 2011, 16, 8181-8197.
  • Shih M-F., Yang T-H., Liu C-C., Cherng J. Y.  "Protective effects of Crassulaceae Rhodiola on scald-induced oxidative and inflammatory skin injury in rats"  Burns 37 supplement 1, S22, p71 (2011).
  • Shih M-F., Wu C-H. and Cherng J. Y. "Bioeffects of transient and low-intensity ultrasound on nanoparticles for a safe and efficient DNA delivery. " J Nanomedic Nanotechnol S3:001. (2011).
  • Cherng J. Y.; Lee, Y.P. ; Lin, C.H. ; Chang, K.H. ; Chang, W.Y. ; Shau, M.D .,"The characteristics and transfection efficiency of PEI modified by biodegradable poly(beta-amino ester) Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine " 2010,21, 1543-1551.
  • Shih, M.F. ; Cheng, Y.D. ; Shen, C.R.; Cherng J. Y.,"A molecular pharmacology study into the anti-inflammatory actions of Euphorbia hirta L. on the LPS-induced RAW 264.7 cells through selective iNOS protein inhibition" JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES, 2010, 64,330-335.
  • Cherng J. Y., Liu, C.C., Shen, C.R., Lin, H.H., Shih, M.F., " Beneficial effects of Chlorella-11 peptide on blocking the LPS-induced macrophage activation and alleviating the thermal injury-induced inflammation in rats " Int. J. Immunopathology 2010, 23,
  • 洪維志,程中玉, "藥物傳輸生醫材料", 化學 68, 1-34.
  • Shih, M.F., Cherng J. Y., "Prevention of Activated Macrophage-Induced Adhesion Molecules by Chlorella Extract in Endothelial Sevc Cells. "ATHEROSCLEROSIS SUPPLEMENTS . 2010, 11,19.
  • Hung, W. C.; Shau, M. D.; Kao, H. C.; Shih, M. F.; Cherng, J. Y. "The synthesis of cationic polyurethanes to study the effect of amines and structures on their DNA transfection potential " J. Controlled Release, 2009, 133, 68-76.
  • Cherng, J. Y. " Investigation of DNA spectral conformational changes and polymer buffering capacity in relation to transfection efficiency of DNA/polymer complexes"  J. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2009, 12, 346-356.
  • Shih, M.F. and Cherng, J.Y. "Potential Protective Effect of Fresh Grown Unicellular Green Algae Component (Resilient Factor) against PMA- and UVB-induced MMP-1 Expression in Skin fibroblasts. " Eur. J. Dermatol 2008, 18, 303-307.
  • Hung W-C, Shau M-D, Kao H-C, Shih M-F, Cherng J-Y*. The synthesis of cationic polyurethanes to study the effect of amines and structures on their DNA transfection potential. J. Controlled Release (2008b-2009) in press. (NSC 95-2113-M-194-013-MY2)&( 97-2113-M-194-002)
  • Shih, M-F & Cherng, J-Y*. Potential Protective Component of Fresh Grown Unicellular Green Algae (Resilient Factor) in PMA- and UVB-induced MMP1 Expression in Skin Fibroblasts. Eur. J. Dermatol. 18, 303-307 (2008a). (NSC 91-2626-B-041-001)
  • Shih, M-F, Huang S-Y. & Cherng, J-Y*. Potential anti-inflammation effects of lipophilic extract of Chlorella through a nitric oxide (NO)-dependent blocking pathway. Ann. Nutr. Metab 51(suppl 1): 164, P197 (2007) 研討會論文發表於SCI期刊